Two Tips To Help You Get A Personal Injury Attorney When You're Short On Cash
When you're looking to be compensated because of the negligence of another party, it's not a situation that you want to handle alone. Unless you have extensive legal knowledge, it may be easy for the other party's insurance company to get you to agree to an inadequate amount. That's why it's so vital for you to hire a personal injury attorney. However, if you don't have a lot of cash on hand, you may think that a lawyer is out of your reach. Instead of dealing with your personal injury case alone, use these tips to learn more about how you can get an attorney even when you're on a budget.
Contact Your Local Legal Aid Society
The first thing you should do when you need money for legal representation is contact your local legal aid society. These are organizations that help individuals secure legal help even when they don't have the money to pay for it themselves.
Legal aid societies are comprised of caring individuals who understand how frustrating it can be when you need legal assistance but don't have the money. They have information about things such as legal grants, which are funds disbursed to help pay for your legal fees and don't have to be paid back. Depending on what the income restrictions are for your area, if you find that you make a bit too much money to qualify for the grant, they may also be able to help you secure a microloan. A microloan is typically issued more quickly than traditional loans, and can usually be paid back over an extended period of time.
Seek Out A Pro Bono Attorney
Another way you can get the help you need is by seeking out a pro bono attorney. These are lawyers who offer their services free of charge so that you won't have to face your court case alone.
When looking for a pro bono attorney, be sure to be very clear on the specifics of your case. For example, you may find some personal injury attorneys who offer pro bono services strictly for medical malpractice cases. If you aren't able to clearly explain what happened, you could miss out because the lawyer may believe that it doesn't fit into that category.
Getting an attorney to help you, such as the Law Office of Daniel E Goodman, LLC, with your personal injury claim doesn't have to be difficult, even if you're financially strapped. Start using these tips right away so you can get the assistance you need when you're low on cash.